My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game Familiar Faces expansion

Est. release date Aug 2022


This item will be released at a future date.
Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
All preorders are charged just before release when stock is guarenteed!


FREE DELIVERY: On items over £20

It’s time for some trouble as a new bunch of mischief makers join My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria! Take advantage of the new Discover mechanic to creatively build your deck and make the most of your traits. With new characters, cards, hurdles and challenges, Familiar Faces adds lots of new content for your game!

Featuring Spike, Discord, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie as playable characters!

This expansion is not a standalone game. A copy of My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game is required to play.