The Island

Est. release date autumn 2022


This item will be released at a future date.
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You lead a team of brave explorers, on an expedition to an exotic island full of dangers and treasures. Suddenly, the volcano that crowns this lush reef, so far asleep, has erupted! The earth begins to shake and the island sinks, slowly and inexorably, into the sea. You must save your team if you want to win the game.

The objective of the game is to get your explorers to reach the mainland, with as many treasures as possible. At the end of the game, the points (numbers printed on the base) of the explorers who are safe will be added, and the player with the most points (who does not necessarily have to be the one who saves the most explorers), will be the winner.

The Island: suspense, action, adventure… and many laughs assured!