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Welcome to the climate conference in Kyoto! As representatives of major nations, you are discussing in real time some very disturbing studies that claim the environment is on the verge of collapse. Of course you will do anything to save the planet, won’t you? Of course … as long as it does not harm your own prosperity … If all studies have been examined, the country that has best preserved its wealth wins. But watch out: if the damage to the planet becomes too great, the conference immediately fails and the most stingy country automatically loses.

The satirical family game Kyoto addresses climate change without being too serious. In each round, a player presents a study that requires financial support and the reduction of threatening factors such as air pollution. If the goals are not achieved, there will be negative effects on the world. But you’d never let that happen … would you?

You check your reflection in your limo’s rear-view mirror as you are driven to the climate conference: your suit and smile look impeccable, presenting a perfect image of the environmental concern. Your oil stocks are up and the state coffers are bulging. But soon everything could change, as voices from climate-research are getting louder: global warming, rising sea levels, CO2 emissions, air pollution, animal deaths.

You’re all for saving the world, but can’t someone else do it? Isn’t your main concern the prosperity of your country? Maybe you could persuade other nations to to reach common climate goals? Or can the earth cope with rises in temperature after all? Either way, when you sit and negotiate, all that matters is winning. But what does winning mean, when it comes to the future?

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