Pathfinder Arena: Epic Challenge
Est. release date Nov 2022
This item will be released at a future date.Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
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Pathfinder Arena is a competitive board game for 2-4 players set in the Pathfinder roleplaying game’s fantasy fiction Age of Lost Omens setting.
The Epic Challenge enriches the Core set’s gameplay in components and game mechanics. As new iconic heroes, Seoni the sorcerer, and Fumbus the alchemist, together with their new spell, feat, and item cards, introduce new mechanics and new possible strategies for the players. Moreover, five new monsters (Black Dragon, Goblin Pyro, Gargoyle, Nightmare, Pharaoh Mummy) increase the variety of the game and add new monsters’ special abilities.
Furthermore, the Trap tiles introduce an entirely new game mechanic. More accurately, they substitute some Arena tiles and teach a new way to score points. As soon as you reach them, firstly, you roll the summoning die to check if the trap is active.
Then you draw a trap card. Such cards are divided into four decks, reflecting the four rounds of the game. They pose you a challenge based on your ability modifiers. If you succeed, you score glory points; otherwise, you get misfortune points.