Unlock! Supernatural Adventures

Est. release date Aug 2024


This item will be released at a future date.
Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
All preorders are charged just before release when stock is guarenteed!

RRP: £29.99

You Save: £3.52


IN STOCK: Currently 5 in stock

FREE DELIVERY: On items over £20


30-60 minutes

age suitability


player count

1-5 players

Unlock! is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great adventures, while seated at a table using only cards and a companion app that can provide clues, check codes, monitor time remaining, etc.

Unlock! Supernatural Adventures includes three separate scenarios for you to explore:

  • Threat over Nova City
  • Dia de Los Muertos
  • Ragnarök

Note: Unlock! requires a free application to be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, an internet connection is not required during game play.