
Est. release date Nov 2022


This item will be released at a future date.
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FREE DELIVERY: On items over £20

There’s a goose on the loose! Actually, there’s a LOT of geese and they’re completely out of control – you’ll have to round them up!

In this fast & fun family game, 2-5 players will gather food cards, collect chunky cardboard geese and seek out precious golden eggs. Honk! is a simple game that helps introduces younger players to strategic games. It has low reliance on luck, and is designed to be fun for adults to play too!

On their turn, a player can either collect food or feed a goose. Each of the 8 different goose breeds has a specific diet, and so the correct food cards must be used to claim them. Feeding a goose rewards the player with an egg (worth 1 point each), and a bonus egg for each goose of the same breed already in that players’ collection. The geese at the bottom of the pile conceal golden eggs, which are worth 1-3 points. The player with the most points wins.