Munchkin: Scooby Doo!

Est. release date Q4 2023


This item will be released at a future date.
Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
All preorders are charged just before release when stock is guarenteed!

RRP: £29.99

You Save: £3.53


FREE DELIVERY: On items over £20


60+ minutes

age suitability


player count

3-6 players

You’ve got some work to do now with a nostalgic mix of unmasking monsters and treasure hunting in MUNCHKIN®: Scooby-Doo! Take on the role of your favorite teenage detectives or their best canine friend as you equip yourself with Items such as a Chef’s Apron or Treasure Map. Acquire Vehicles like the Mystery Machine to travel from Dungeon to Dungeon, capturing classic monsters like the Funland Robot and Green Ghost to level up. The first player to reach Level 10 wins!