Rival Restaurants

Est. release date Oct 2022


This item will be released at a future date.
Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
All preorders are charged just before release when stock is guarenteed!


FREE DELIVERY: On items over £20

Restaurant owners (players) create dishes of varying difficulties simultaneously looking for other ways to improve their businesses and increase popularity. Players choose a restaurant and a chef to start the game and then play is takes place over 3 phases in one day (Turn).

1. Money and Move: Collect income and decide their movement (only one movement allowed per day);
2. Buy and Barter: Real Time – 1 minute buy from the location they are in or barter with any player for anything;
3. Cook and Counter: cook recipes and collect popularity points.

The “Wiener” is the first restaurant to reach 20 popularity points!

Rival Restaurants: is a fun, socially interactive game where players are playing virtually all the time. Choosing movement wisely is key to the game and the action cards provide some great disruptions and can seriously hamper other players. The different chef abilities and numerous ingredient and dish card combinations provide plenty of replayablility.