WANTED: El Escorpión – An Adventure for D&D 5e


Spring 2023, People’s Meeples worked with Hartlepool Borough Council to develop a “Learning for Inclusion” project. We developed a Mantic Armada community, with around 30 new players (although we haven’t done anything recently, this isn’t a game we’ve forgotten about!).

Ste Rose also wrote a bespoke adventure, based on D&D 5th edition, that was inspired by the Tall Ships Race. This was run six times with around 30 people, giving over a dozen people their first taste of role playing!

Find the PDFs here:


Corvus Character Sheet

Fusil Character Sheet

Iliquen Character Sheet

Iliquen’s spells

Jin’s Character Sheet

Kai’s Character Sheet

Kai’s spells

TheAmmer Character Sheet

El Escorpion Enemy Stats


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