City Planner

Est. release date May 2023


This item will be released at a future date.
Please note - you can only preorder one product at a time.
All preorders are charged just before release when stock is guarenteed!

RRP: £18.99

You Save: £2.51


City Planner is a 9 cards, 9 cubes, 9 dice version of Town Center mixed with Card City and dice. Your Small City is divided into several blocks that contain different boroughs (Residential, Commerce, Industry, Cultural Buildings, City Hall or mixed zoning of Residential and Commerce).

It is a dice game where you decide where to place/block/affect the dice to get the most money/VP.

During the game players will do the following four phases in order: Rolling Dice, Passing a Card, Scoring All Cards, Turn End.

The game ends after 8 rounds.


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